At Hillsboro Dental, we provide a comfortable dental experience that preserves and protects your smile.
Mouth guards are coverings worn over teeth, and often used to protect teeth from injury from teeth grinding and during sports.
Teeth grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism, is pretty common and can be painful and destructive to teeth. Luckily, there are options on the market for night guards to anyone that clenches and grinds while they should be sleeping.
Some signs you may be a teeth-grinder are waking up with dull headaches, jaw soreness, face pain, and fatigue since it can disrupt sleep.
Night guards can help protect your teeth and result in healthy sleep. Inquire about night guards with Dr. Medwed.
Sports mouth guards are tools used to protect athletes from percussive or impact caused tooth injuries. These types of mouth guards can protect upper and lower teeth.
While adults and children can benefit from sealants, it’s better to get them at an earlier age. As soon as children’s permanent molar teeth come in, they should get sealants. Children’s first permanent molars usually come between ages 5 and 7, and their second permanent molars come in between ages 11 and 14. Children at higher risk for tooth decay will benefit the most, so ask your dentist about your child’s risk for dental disease.
Adults at high risk for tooth decay may also benefit from sealants.
Studies have determined that silver diamine fluoride is a safe and effective way to rapidly treat tooth decay and exposed roots.
When silver diamine fluoride was applied only to carious lesions, impressive prevention was seen for other tooth surfaces. SDF has been used in adults to prevent and arrest caries on exposed root surfaces.